

  • About the Bloggers: Dawn Moore

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    About the Bloggers introduces you to the people behind WoW Insider. You can find articles on more of our staffers in earlier About the Bloggers profiles. Today you'll be meeting Dawn Moore, admirer of Dwarven hunters in-game rocks. What do you do for WoW Insider? Since January 2010, I've been one of the two columnists covering Spiritual Guidance, WoW Insider's biweekly priest column. I write specifically for the two healing trees, holy and discipline, since Fox Van Allen stole 1/3 of my job covers shadow. In addition to my column, I also unofficially cover the news and articles WoW Insider publishes on the Warcraft movie, since I keep a pretty watchful eye on the film industry. Periodically, I also write feature articles on random topics such as vegetables and superhero costumes.