

  • iamagamer's first game jam focused on creating female protagonists

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    From July 12 through 14, Vancouver will play host to game jam organizer iamagamer's first event – a 48 hour jam focused on crafting original games with female protagonists. "This unprecedented event will dispute the prevailing opinion that video games are for guys and that games with strong, female lead characters will not sell," the announcement press release reads. "Such stereotypes are not only incorrect, but have a negative impact on the industry." The jam will take place at Vancouver's Centre for Digital Media, with all attendees commencing to jam at 6 p.m. local time on Friday, ceasing their jam-oriented activities 48 hours later on Sunday evening. Artists, designers, developers and writers are all encouraged to register and participate – so far over 150 people have signed on to take part in the event, either on-site in Vancouver or at one of several satellite events happening concurrently elsewhere.