

  • The Mog Log: Final Fantasy XIV makes me happy in small ways

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Final Fantasy XIV makes me happy for a variety of reasons. Some of them I've written about, and some things make me slightly less than happy on a whole. The point is made either way: I like the game, and there's a lot of stuff to write about, a lot of big issues that easily sustain a whole column on their own. Not everything I want to write about does that. There are a lot of things that I think the game does right that can't be discussed over the length of a column without repeating myself several dozen times. I don't want to write that column and odds are good you don't want to read it, either. What I can do instead, though, is compile several of those points into a single column. I want to look at the things that I like about the game that aren't big enough to merit a whole column but are big enough to be worth mentioning.