

  • Ask Massively: The first one hundred words in the Merriam-Webster dictionary edition

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A, aah, aardvark, aardwolf, Aaron, aaronic, ab, aba, abaca, aback, abacterial, abacus, abaft, abalone, abandon, abandoned, abase, abash, abate, abatement, abatis, abattoir, abaxial, abbacy, Abbasid, abbatial, abbe, abbess, Abbevillian, abbey, abbot, abbreviate, abbreviation, Abdias, abdictate, abdomen, abducens, abducent, abduct, abduction, abeam, abecedarian, abed, Abel, abelian, abelmosk, Abderdeen, aberrant, aberrated, aberration, abet, abeyance, abeyant, abhor, abhorrence, abhorrent, Abib, abidance, abide, abiding, abigail, ability, abinito, abiogenesis, abiogenic, abiological, abiotic, abject, abjection, abjuration, abjure, ablate, ablation, ablative, ablaut, ablaze, able, abloom, abluted, ablution, ably, Abnaki, abnegate, abnegation, abnormal, abnormality, abo, aboard, abode, aboil, abolish, abolition, abolitionism, abomasum, abominable, abominate, abomination, aboral, aboriginal, aborigine. When you're done drenching yourself in glue in celebration, it's time for this week's edition of Ask Massively, in which we discuss walking in ships and stations. If you'd like to have a question answered in a future edition of the column, leave it in the comments or mail it to