

  • Intel GM has "religious experience," buys a Mac

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    Hexus has an interview with Pat Gelsinger, Intel's GM of their Digital Enterprise Group, in which he describes crossing "the religious boundary" by purchasing a Mac. Note how the interviewer reacts and grimaces around 1:41 when Pat drops the bomb, and how he has to interrupt Pat to announce his newfound "Mac fanboy" status. Pat also mentions he's buying a second for his wife, along with a copy of the upcoming Windows Vista and Parallels Desktop, of course.This is a really interesting statement to hear from someone so high up on a business ladder, especially since he's specifically spending the money to buy Parallels, instead of using Apple's free but workflow-intruding Boot Camp. Pat joins other business notables - like the recent CIO who picked Mac OS X after comparing to Linux and Windows for a month - in voicing their fondness for Apple's OS, even while the big fruit seems to be spending most (if not all) of their marketing on advertising to the home creative crowd.I'd link the actual interview, but it seems almost the entire Hexus site is done in Flash (grrrr). As of this writing, the interview is at the top of their list.[via Macworld UK]