

  • The Digital Continuum: Diet WAR

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Diet Warhammer Online: same great taste, less content. Is it bad that the recently re-branded Mythic Entertainment just cut out a large portion of our Warhammer Online pie and put it in the deep freeze? Well it's certainly not good when a developer cuts content they've been talking about publicly for so long, especially when launch is only three or four months away. I've already written about why this MMO ode to classic tabletop trappings shouldn't be shoved onto shelves half-baked and I still feel like I'd rather see a delay than see so much content cut. While there have been plenty of delays already, that doesn't mean more would have been intolerable. I'm going to try and take an honest look at what the removal of four capital cities and four classes means for Warhammer Online. I will admit that when the news first hit, a vile and seemingly ancient sort of anger began to boil up inside my lungs. It was the onset of some form of draconian rage at the removal of so much content that I'd been personally invested in as a future player. I never really got into Chaos and planned on playing Dark Elves, but now a large part of that content is gone. At first I felt anger and confusion towards Mythic. It wasn't until after that initial knee-jerk anger passed that I was able to give some real thought to their choice and was able to consider the varied consequences.

  • WAR: June beta review plus more news from the front

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    Hail, fellow onlookers! (IE: Those of us not in Warhammer Online beta). Last month's news about the Advance on Altdorf has kept our breath at bay. You can breathe easy, there will be no peace. In this latest dispatch concerning the Aegis of the Oathbearers and Bloody Sun Boyz it indicates that the Greenskins and Dwarfs took up arms against one another clashing for the first time in over half a year. Further tasty lore bits and new images from the beta can be seen over on the Warhammer Herald. It's hinted that the next focus test will involve guilds. This is exciting news, and maybe some guilds that won invites last April will finally reap their better later than never reward. For older but still damn good Warhammer news, and I mean a metric ton of exclusive Warhammer information, check out our Massively goes to WAR coverage. A detailed list on what the latest round of beta testing focused on resides after the jump.

  • Massively goes to WAR: Spotlight on the Goblin Shaman

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Sitting down with Josh Drescher and Adam Gershowitz to discuss the classes in Warhammer Online is somewhat like getting to sit next to the director during a feature film. They're so intimately tied to the game that every race, class, and locale in the game has an associated story. We had the chance to get the director's commentary straight from the source, and the result is a wealth of knowledge about the 24 different in-game classes. The first class we took for a tour was the Goblin Shaman, the healer/DoT specialist for the greenskin race. Though nothing was said beforehand, the tiny gobbos with the big sticks are this blogger's favorite class. It was therefore especially enjoyable to check out the numerous tweaks to the concept, look, and UI of the little healer. Read on for the full Waagh! %Gallery-21881%

  • WAR's Saphery zone is full of tall magical things

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    The racial pairing we still have the least information for has been the High and Dark Elves, but that is starting to change. Enter the Saphery zone -- a third tier zone for High Elves -- that is chocked full of magical energies and ancient High Elf beauty. This makes it a target for Dark Elves who want to twist and malign those energies, the Greenskins so they can smash all the pretty stuff and the Chaos so they can, well, bring chaos to everything in sight we suppose. There's actually quite a bit (actually, more like tons) of background lore in the zone overview of Saphery. We've noticed for some time now that a lot of structure designs in Warhammer Online are very, very tall. However it looks like High Elf architecture trumps all other height-imbued buildings, but that makes sense since High Elves are all about being tall and uppity. Oh, we're digging the blue-leafed trees as well.

  • WAR Europe's Orcaniser teaches players to talk the talk

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    One of the most difficult aspects of covering the media build-up to Warhammer Online's release is the need to rewrite any post involving Greenskins to include the infamous Orc-speak that fans of the fluff are so fond of. To the casual observer, it might appear like a simple matter of changing verb tense and throwing in a few zeds here and there. Not true! It's an extensive scholarly process that takes years to learn, and decades to master. To put it frankly, it's not as easy as it looks.Well imagine our delight then to find that WAR Europe guys have gone to the trouble of putting together the Orcaniser! It operates like an Orcy version of babelfish, giving fans the ability to translate normal human speech into authentic Orc dialect. And it works in five languages! Obviously, there's always a little bit lost in translation, and it doesn't automatically account for the Orcy need to talk about smashing heads once every couple sentences, but it's good as we're liable to do. See for yourself:To be or not to be, dat is da question;Whetha 'tis nobla in da mind to suffaDa slingz an' arrowz of outrageouz fortune,Or to take armz against a sea of troublez,An' by opposin', end dem.[Via WHA]

  • New bits about WAR's Trophy System

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    All right, when we first heard about trophies in Warhammer Online, we'll admit to being filled with an abundance of child-like glee. There's a reason that we're willing to admit it though and it's because trophies are one of the coolest things about the upcoming massively game. The idea that when you kill a truly impressive enemy, you not only get loot (in the case of PvE) but a trophy to wear -- as a badge of honor -- is something to get a little excited about.EA Mythic's Justin Webb has a great writeup over on the Warhammer Online website concerning the Trophy system. You can think of the it as another layer of visual customization for your characters in Warhammer Online. It's a system that exists alongside initial character creation, armor diversity and being able to dye armors. With a system like this there's a lot to cover, so feel free to check out the good n' gritty bits on trophies after the break.

  • WHA tellz you grots bout da' WAAAGH!

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    One of the aspects about Warhammer Online's Greenskins that seems to endear them to players so much is that they present the opportunity to write in a hackneyed and entirely ungrammatically stunted form of english. Wut iz dees humies lookin' at dem shiny bits for? See, I slipped into character there. I bet you thought I was an Orc for a second. It's OK, you don't have to feel bad, I'm a pretty good actor.For those not already well steeped in the Warhammer lore via the tabletop game and pen and paper RPG, the folks over at Warhammer Alliance have been going faction by faction putting up guides to the various races. By some strange fortune, we somehow missed the fact that they had posted a "Guide to the Waaagh" last week, replete with biological information, sociological observations, and of course a gracious dose of Orc-speak. It's a short run-down, but well worth soaking up for anybody at all interested in fielding a Black Orc or Shaman into battle in Q2 of this year.Of course, if you really want to get serious about things, you should probably pick up the Orcs & Goblins Army book or bookmark the Warhammer Wiki for perusal at work.

  • November Warhammer newsletter features Mounts!

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The November edition of the Warhammer Online newsletter has been mailed out to all the eager WAAUGH fans out there, and it's a doozy. Building on the most recent Beta Updates, the dev team lets loose with a huge pile of goodies. Highlights include: Mounts! Aside from the handsome porcine steed above (a Greenskin favorite), they have images up for an Ale-powered Dwarven carriage, felsteeds for Chaos riders, and beautiful beasts for the Elves and Empire. A lengthy screed on the mysterious Tome of Knowledge. Their article runs down what you're like to see in the book, and what kinds of tales it will record for your own character. A Paul Barnett special presentation on the Dark Elf Sorceress ... and Sorcerer! Yes, boy and girl evil mages. As Paul puts it, "They're both emo, and they both live forever!" A first look at work on a new Warhammer cinematic trailer (you know, since you're probably tired of the first one). An in-depth look at the High Elf Archmage class. An overview of the Shadowlands zone, an elven area. A look at another Public Quest! My favorite idea from the game, as of yet. They run down the IronClad confrontation with King Byrrnoth Grundadrakk. One of the always-enjoyable animated game design presentations, this one detailing major changes to the Careers and RvR systems. The video of the month walks us deep into the Inevitable City, the capital of the followers of Chaos. A bunch of other delights, like Paul's Video Diaries, a Grab Bag update, and another Beta Journal Entry. There's a ton more stuff exclusive to the Newsletter. This is my not-so-subtle way of saying you really should be signed up to get it. Go check it out!