head tracking


  • Friday Video: Taking immersion to new levels

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Johnny Lee, who we're now elevating to the status of superhero around here, is back with an all-new Wii-centric project: Wii in 3D, thanks to head tracking. What's head tracking? Here, it's centered around mounting a sensor bar on your head (which is much cooler than it sounds) so that the software (and a Wii remote) can track the position of your head and allow displays to take on a full three dimensional scope, thus turning a flat screen into something more like a window. The result? Why, it could mean games that look like full-on virtual reality. Check out the video above, which was too good not to be in our weekly spotlight, to see just what it all means.[Thanks, Chad!]

  • DIY head-tracker takes Wiimote hacking to dizzying new heights

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    DIY virtuoso Johnny Chung Lee has already more than proven himself with his Wiimote whiteboard and finger-tracking hacks (to say nothing of the famous $14 steadycam), but he now looks to have vaulted himself into a whole new league with his latest project, which uses a Wiimote for a full-on VR head-tracking system. As with his other recent hacks, the Wiimote and a sensor bar substitute swap their usual positions, with a pair of IR-equipped safety glasses stylishly getting the job done in this case. Toss in some custom-made software (available at the link below) and you've got a setup that's sure to make anyone's jaw drop. Whatever you do, be sure to hit up the video after the break (and watch 'till the end), as the image above certainly doesn't do it justice. [Via Hack a Day]