

  • Eight new DSiWare games hit Japan this week

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Silently, so as not to disturb anyone, Nintendo has added eight new DSiWare games to their Japanese website, all of which come out on the 28th! As in two days from now. The games include: Solitaire DSi (200 Points) Nintendo DSi Tokei, a clock app that can display photos (200 Points) Hobonichi Rozenzu, a travel guide to Japan (500 Points) Art Style: PiCOPiCT, a chiptunes puzzle game! (500 Points) Art Style: SOMNIUM, a puzzle game about sliding rows of slots to match up with same-colored spheres (example screens here) (500 Points) Chotto Panel de Pon, a mini version of Planet Puzzle League (500 Points) Chotto Suujin Taisen, a Japanese board game (500 Points) Chotto Asobi Taizen: Jikkuri Trump, a card game (500 Points) If you have a Japanese DSi, we are officially totally jealous. Think of us while you're totally not appreciating Art Style: PiCOPiCT as much as we would be. It's clearly the standout of the group, featuring new arrangements of 8-bit Nintendo classics by chiptune superstars YMCK!