

  • Mii Spotlight: Musician edition

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Another week has passed, so it must be time for Wii Fanboy's Mii Spotlight! Last week, after Eric showed off how good it was to be a gangsta, we sent out a request for musician Miis, and we got a few that we're excited about showing off. If you haven't yet seen your Mii here, be patient -- we're saving some of the submissions for later editions. If your Mii is creative, well-made, and interesting, don't despair. You'll probably see it here eventually! It just takes time to get enough that are thematically linked.But we also need to make something very clear: the Miis you send us need to be your own, or you need to credit the original maker if you're sending photos of other people's work. We've had some complaints that not all of the Miis we've featured were actually made by the person claiming credit. It's one thing to see a Mii somewhere and make your own based on that, and another thing altogether to take someone's photos and send them in as your own. We can't check everything, and there's no real way to verify, so we ask you simply to be honest, and please remember to be respectful of people who put their spare time into creating Miis for your enjoyment. But enough with the lectures -- let's see some Miis!

  • RIP James Joseph Brown, Jr.

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    As has been widely reported, the Godfather of Soul departed an Atlanta hospital for his final concert tour in the wee morning hours of Christmas Day. James J. Brown, Jr. was 73 years old and suffering from pneumonia when he died.While JB's Apple connection may not be obvious, those of us who were fortunate enough to attend the Mac OS 8 launch party at Macworld Boston in 1997 will not soon forget the appearance of the "surprise musical act" onstage. Brown tore the roof off the joint with his classic numbers and even threw in an enthusiastic "Mac-World! Ap-ple!" chant. Even for a corporate gig and a roomful of skinny geeks, he was not about to phone it in. It was an incredible show.Farewell, Soul Brother #1.