

  • Capcom and Udon creating Street Fighter encyclopedia

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    click for full size Put down that Street Fighter-themed pen, pick up your Street Fighter-themed mouse, and get on with the Amazon pre-ordering, as Capcom and Udon have just revealed details on the upcoming "Street Fighter: World Warrior Encyclopedia." Rather than hitting the internet for reference points during your hours of painstaking fanfic writing, you'll soon be able crossreference the 136-page strong paperback for the decently low entry fee of $10. Since the book won't be dragon-kicking its way into retailers (or mailboxes) until this June, all we've got to abate your thirst for knowledge immediately is Udon artists Alvin Lee, Jo Chen, Arnold Tsang, Jeffrey Cruz, Joe Ng, Gonzalo Ordonez, Omar Dogan, "and more," will be working on the book. Oh, also, if you ever wanted to know where Ryu got that sweet headband, it's totally in there.