

  • The Anvil of Crom: Hives of scum and villainy

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Once, a long time ago, I stood on the summit of a sandy cliff with my MMO mentor. His sage-like eyes took in the desert around us, surveying the burgeoning multiplayer landscape. On one side of us were MMOs; on the other, FPS titles and social networking games. Surrounding us from all directions I saw a writhing, rioting mass of digital humanity, overlapping chat bubbles floating toward the horizon for miles around. Some of these bubbles were legible, though many featured bizarre butcherings of the king's English as well as certain phrases that I couldn't even begin to decipher. Almost all of them sported excessive punctuation and some variation on LOL. Squinting his eyes against the glare and covering his ears with both hands, my mentor inclined his head down the slope. "Global chat," he said, a weary sign escaping his chapped lips. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."

  • Cinemassively: Leet Str33t

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    While this machinima isn't made with an MMO, the subject matter of the video, leet speak, is something we've all encountered in online games. Leet Str33t is a trip down memory lane, to the old days of AOL, shown to us through two neighbors greeting each other for the first time. While this was made with The Sims, it could have easily be made in a virtual world!If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.

  • L3@rn1ng 1337 Sp3ak

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    With the pending release of Hello Kitty Online, we are all going to need to become proficient in leet speak. This is the language of nerds and basement gamers everywhere (Ed: Because no one in WoW ever talks like this, right?). So in hopes that we'll be able to better understand all those cute little muffins of joy, let's immerse ourselves in some leet speak for the rest of the post.It is also rumored that Rosetta Stone will be releasing a Leet Speak module soon. Stay tuned to HKO Insider for a review of that in the near future.Th3 pr1m@ry th1ng 2 r3m3mb3r ab0ut 1337 sp3@k is th@t u n33d 2 abr3vi@t3 3v3ryth1ng @s mch @s p0ss1ble. U sh0uld a1s0 n3v3r ty93 0u7 7h3 w0rd "you", i7 sh0uld alwayz b u!!!!11lol!!!111An0th3r th1ng t0 r3m3mb3r 1s n3v3r typ3 0ut a c0m9l373 w0rd 1n r3@1 1@ngu@g3 un13ss y0u abs0lut3ly hav3 t0. Us3 b@d gr@mer and sp3ling wh3n 3vr p0sibl3. U sh0uld n3v3r juzt typ3 "lol" n3m0@r. I7's alwyz LOLOL!L!!!!!111!!!!! S33? Dat iz sexi k3wl!!! Y@!!!!S0 h0w iz ur l337 593@%? Iz it uberz?