

  • Erling Ellingsen steps up to the plate on Age of Conan forums

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    He may not be the most popular man in Age of Conan right now, but after this, you have to accord him at least a sliver of respect. Funcom Project Manager Erling Ellingsen made a personal appearance yesterday to give some answers on a thread where the atmosphere was, frankly, extremely hostile. The fact that after a warm-up that mentioned wanting to throw things at the screen whenever his face appeared, he began his opening comment 'My friends...' is also worthy of respect. He went on to provide some honest answers to concerns, assuring AoC players that features that weren't in at launch will be added (with a special mention of Drunken Brawling) and pointing out that WoW didn't have anything like the amount of end level content at launch that it does now. Ymir's Pass, we learn, is 'just about done', though Ellingsen wouldn't commit to a date, for the obvious reason that he'd get 'crucified' if it wasn't met.

  • Age of Conan Dev goes on berserk question-answering rampage

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    What was in LordOrion's coffee this morning? The FunCom developer began by making two parallel threads on the Age of Conan forums, one on the US forums and one on the EU. Each one was a 'leak', with the EU getting a preview of PvP gear, and the US getting an image of what looked like a dungeon of some sort, with no further hints as to what it might be.That done, he began to answer direct questions. The players on both sides of the Atlantic wasted no time in firing them off, while expressing their gratitude (and disbelief) that FunCom was actually talking to them for a change. Now that the flurry of posts has died down, we've collated all the new information from both sides, presented in interview format and edited for relevance and context.