

  • Macro Anatomy: Walk phase

    Sean Forsgren
    Sean Forsgren

    If you have been following Macro Anatomy, you should be comfortable with macro basics by now. If not, you may want to consider taking a moment to review what we have covered thus far. For the rest of you, welcome to the next installment, where we'll be covering a commonly used, but powerful macro type, the /castsequence command.This slash command will allow the user to specify a given sequence of commands, tied to a single button. As a reminder, this will not facilitate one-click sequences, but will require you to click or press a bound key for each iteration in the sequence. This also means you'll be timing your input in step with the Global Cooldown.The most obvious use of the /castsequence command comes into play when you realize you're casting the same spells in nearly every fight. I use this type of macro for grinding, with one for PvP situations as well. (Curse of Exhaution be praised!)To use this macro, you simply open your macro interface, create a new macro and in the text box, start with /castsequence, then list the spells you want to cast, in order, separated by a comma. It should end up looking something like this:/castsequence Spell 1, Spell 2, Spell 3, Spell 4

  • Macro Anatomy: Crawl Phase

    Sean Forsgren
    Sean Forsgren

    Welcome, my friends, to the second installment of Macro Anatomy. In this episode we'll be going over some basic macro commands and I'll introduce some simple macros for you to learn and play with.Before we move ahead, I wanted to reiterate an important change to many macros since the release of Patch 2.3 for those of you who are already writing and using macros. The /stopcasting command is no longer necessary between instant-cast, non-GCD spells. An example would be the following macro:/cast Divine Favor/stopcasting/cast Divine Illumination/stopcasting/cast Holy LightTo conserve space, it can be shortened to:/cast Divine Favor/cast Divine Illumination/cast Holy LightPrevious articles found on this site may feature macros that still contain this command. So, feel free to remove it when you copy and paste said macros.Now, let us move onto the "Crawl" portion of our Crawl-Walk-Run approach to macro writing.