

  • Dead Space 2 Hazard, Martial Law and Supernova DLC packs available now

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    The odds are well-stacked against Isaac as he traverses the Necromorph-stuffed hallways of The Sprawl -- which, typically, is the way that real heroes like to do they business. If unassisted survival is proving too hard a task, you can now capitulate and download Dead Space 2's "Hazard," "Martial Law" and "Supernova" downloadable pack. They're available today, each adding a handful of powerful suits and weapons to Isaac's inventory for $5 a pop. Check out the full list of these items after the jump as you try to decide which one sounds like a thing you'd like to own. And don't even say all of them, because if you've got $15 to spend on virtual power tools, then we have some prime Florida swampland to sell you.