

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Memory lane and the delights of anticipation

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The clock is ticking -- 2011 is winding down (less than six weeks left!) and Guild Wars 2 fans everywhere have closed beta on the brain. This news has been out there for a very long time, but just to eliminate any confusion, I'll go straight to a recent quote from Martin Kerstein: "We will enter CBT before the end of the year, and depending on the results we get from it, we will decide on Open Beta and Launch." The phrase "small closed beta" has also been tossed around, so I seriously doubt ArenaNet plans to go all BioWare on us and start slinging hundreds of thousands of keys in every direction. (Of course, Star Wars: The Old Republic is exactly one month out from launch at this point, and Guild Wars 2 is definitely not.) That doesn't stop us, the fans, from having a pile of questions. When will the beta start? How many people will get in? How long will it last? Will it be ongoing or weekends only? What is the development team hoping to focus on? Only time will tell, but it doesn't stop us from waiting, wondering, and anticipating. (Aside to the developers: I'm out of town this Wednesday through Sunday. Please don't do anything then.) There's a lot to look forward to, but at the moment we're in the lull that comes after new information has been revealed, dissected, and discussed to pieces. We're waiting for whatever comes next, so I'm going to take the opportunity to look in the other direction: back. Follow along after the jump to join me on memory lane.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Auld lang syne

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    A year ago on January 27th, viewers of the site were treated to a header image in which Mr. Swift poked hopelessly at a keyboard. This was the header for the first installment (or "issue" if you want to be thematic) of A Mild-Mannered Reporter, covering all things City of Heroes. And for those of you who are just now glancing at your calendar, yes, that was just about a year ago. Those of you who remembered my sign-off for the last column (the one that mentioned this would be an anniversary column) are in slightly better shape. These things happen once a year, and I figured one day early is better than six days late. And it's been quite a year for the game and the column alike, with plenty to talk about every Wednesday. So let's take a trip down memory lane and look back at a year of the column with another year just around the corner. If you're just coming into the column now, or if you want to look back at some old favorites, now's the time.

  • Guild Wars: Remember when?

    Mark Crump
    Mark Crump

    NCsoft runs a regular feature on the Guild Wars page named "State of the Game." While the name seems to be a tad of a misnomer -- when I think of "State of ..." articles, I expect to hear about the current state and where it's going. The State of the Game articles on the official page are more features about the game. They've got a new one up titled "Remember When?" and is a fun look back at the game's early days. To be honest, my Guild Wars time really began when Factions came out, but it wasn't until Nightfall's release I really started digging the game. So, my answer to "Remember When?" is, "No, not really." But, it's a fun look at how Guild Wars has evolved. For instance, I didn't know that Balthazar faction was a late add and PvP players had to unlock skills in PvE.It should be an interesting trip down memory lane for veteran players. What fond memories of Guild Wars do you have that didn't make the list?