

  • Dark Age of Camelot overhauls classic drops

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Rejoice, Mythic fans -- the dark days may be over now that there's a new loot sheriff in town! Michael Knudson, a new developer on the Dark Age of Camelot team, is jazzed to share an exciting update to the game. Starting with DAoC's patch 1.104, sections of the Classic World are getting a loot overhaul. Apparently, the loot set long ago by Mythic has been made obsolete due to the improvements handed down by the expansions, and they're looking to fix that. "It is our intent that these changes will make these items once more desirable to both new and veteran players leveling up through the Classic World," Knudson writes on the Camelot Herald. "Over the coming months, we will be revisiting additional classic world dungeons in a similar fashion with the goal being to breathe new life into other existing dungeons. Additionally, as one more way to sweeten the pot, we have added several new and unique items that will drop from some of the more notable denizens in these respective dungeons." Stonehenge Barrows in Albion, Spindelhalla in Midgard, and Coruscating Mine in Hibernia are first up for the upgraded loot treatment, with more to follow in successive patches. More yummy loot -- what's not to like? You can check out all the details on the new DAoC itemization in the 1.104 patch notes. [Via MMOCrunch]