

  • Rise and Shiny recap: Nanovor: Evolution

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Nanovor: Evolution, by Smith and Tinker, has the ability to allow a player to experience in-depth combat and collecting or pick-em-up battles on the fly. It has also been created with the purpose of running in a browser window or (soon) on an iPhone or iPad. What you end up with is a perfect game for someone who spent a good deal of his week feeling ill, like I did. Playing the game was almost relaxing, rather than nail-biting or stressful. Were there intense moments? Yes, like the time I played someone several levels above me. Generally, however, the game provides an environment for fun on the go. The few criticisms I have heard about the game -- that it's grindy, "pay-to-win" or made only for children -- are completely valid but a little out of place. Nanovor: Evolution, like Vindictus or LOCO, isn't trying to be an open-world, non-instanced groupathon. What Smith and Tinker does is provide an easy opportunity for fun and action, while skirting the edge of the definition for "MMORPG."

  • Smith and Tinker talk of green goo, Marvel partnership

    Beau Hindman
    Beau Hindman

    Smith and Tinker is a company that is building products for today's "roaming audience," such as 2009's collectible-monster game Nanovor. Essentially, tweens battled microscopic silicon-based monsters that lived deep within their PCs. While it garnered much attention, Smith and Tinker decided it was time for a re-do. Now, we have Nanovor Evolution, a newly rendered 3-D multi-platform version of the game that offers "every player complete gaming satisfaction anywhere and everywhere, and by evolving our Nanovor digital collective game and future titles onto multiple platforms, we are on track to making that a reality." The new version runs within a browser, with future versions available on iPhone and iPad. After our discussion, I decided to a look at the game myself. True to the company's word, it loaded and ran within my browser and looked great. I walked through an animated tutorial, customized my avatar, learned the basics of combat, and was introduced to the public area -- a square for players to chat safely and challenge each other to matches. Really, it's a miniature version of many full-scale MMORPGs, built to be played on many different devices and while on-the-go. Take a look after the jump to catch a glimpse at the action!