

  • Today's Warhammer Online update unifies RvR currency

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    If you've played MMOs for any length of time, chances are you have come upon the dreaded "inventory full" message during your adventures. Warhammer Online is no exception to this phenomenon, and you don't have to be a certified packrat to run out of room when juggling the game's multiple RvR currencies. Even with the dedicated currency bag, the sheer volume of different types fills it quickly. But thanks to today's Game Update 1.4.8, Warhammer Online players will be able to convert all those crests, medallions, insignias, and emblems into a single currency -- war crests. In the patch notes released last Friday, Mythic Entertainment detailed the unification of RvR currencies, outlining the specific conversion rates and RvR reward distribution. It also announced the addition of a new novelty vendor (where players can spend those newly acquired war crests on special experience, renown, or influence gain buffs) along with other equipment and merchant changes.