

  • The Battle of San Romano ... FOR THE HORDE [UPDATED]

    Akela Talamasca
    Akela Talamasca

    Paolo Uccello's 'Niccolò Mauruzi da Tolentino at the Battle of San Romano' gets an updated treatment with 'Understanding Art for Geeks', a Flickr set by 'paulthewineguy' (a worthy 'Friends' reference, by the way), that takes classic art pieces and updates them to fit in with our modern times.In this particular piece, we see that apparently Mr. Uccello's a Tauren Druid. Who knew? Check out the rest of the set, they're wonderful![UPDATED: paulthewineguy has taken all the photos off his Flickr page. He states 'I reckon I've made a mistake, i.e. modifying pieces of art with no right whatsoever of doing so.' You can read the rest here.]