

  • Transmog into the Masters of the Universe

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Some of my fondest childhood memories involve plunking myself down along with my brother and sister and happily watching a few hours of incredibly cheesy cartoon shows. I grew up with classics like Thundercats, He-Man, Transformers and many more. While these days those old cartoons seem incredibly outdated and more than a little silly, for me and my siblings, they were amazing feats of animation that sparked our imaginations and creativity. Not so coincidentally, imagination and creativity are two things that work incredibly well with transmogrification. After delving into the world of comic book superheroes, I decided to try my hand at recreating some of the looks worn by the heroes and villains of those beloved old cartoon shows. After all, there's already a version of He-Man and Skeletor in game. Although Adam Eternum and Keldor the Lost look spot-on in game, they're wearing combinations of different armor types -- something that doesn't work for transmogrification, unfortunately. But a little mixing and matching goes a long way toward creating decent enough looks that will have you evoking the power of Grayskull in no time flat.