

  • The best tech for college freshmen


    Starting college is expensive. In addition to, you know, the tuition, you and the parentals will probably be making a large shopping trip to buy all manner of sweaters, snacks and extra-long twin sheets to round out your dorm room. And that's not counting all the gear you'll need to actually get work done. In addition to a few laptop recommendations (the XPS 13 is our reigning favorite), we have suggestions on things like cloud storage, backpacks and peripherals like travel mice and backup batteries. Check out the gallery below for all our first-year picks (think of it as a college starter kit), and be sure to read the rest of Engadget's back-to-school guide here.

  • Jon Turi / Engadget

    BioLite's latest gear includes a stove, lamp and a pair of solar panels

    Jon Turi
    Jon Turi

    The smell of burning wood from pot belly stoves and fireplaces is noticeable in some Brooklyn neighborhoods during the winter, but down underneath the Manhattan Bridge overpass at BioLite headquarters it's business as usual. The company's been hard at work updating last year's line of off-the-grid power and cooking gear. That means plenty of design, testing and the occasional conflagration in its "burn lab" to perfect its products. The result of all this sweat and ash includes a new CookStove, PowerLight Mini and a pair of solar panels, which you can pick up at BioLite's website.