

  • LinkedIn name pronunciation recordings

    LinkedIn will let you record the correct pronunciation of your name

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    LinkedIn will let members record the correct pronunciation of their name.

  • VCG via Getty Images

    Google will help you pronounce difficult words

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Google wants to make it easier to learn word pronunciations. Today, it introduced a new Search feature that will let users practice saying tricky words. When you look up a pronunciation, Google will provide an answer, and when you say the word into your phone's microphone, Search will let you know if you said it correctly.

  • How to pronounce ASUS (video)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    A-suh-ss? Ah-sue-ss? As-ses? Nope, all wrong. We've been informed by ASUS that its head honcho has recently set a new rule in an attempt to rid our frustration, so what used to be "Ah-seuss" is now "A-seuss" (or "Eh-SUS" according to Taiwanese phonetics, as pictured). The logic behind this? Apparently it's a direct chop from the pronunciation of "pegasus" -- the origin of the company's name -- which ironically seems to favor the former diction. Anyhow, let's not confuse ourselves any further and just study this lovely lady's video demo after the break.

  • Scivelation dev explains title, story motivations

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Ever since we first picked up word about TopWare Interactive's upcoming shooter Scivelation, we've been puzzled on how to speak about the game. Sure, we didn't know a ton about Scivelation itself other than a scant few words on the game's premise and a vague release window of Q3 2010, but we were much more troubled by the fact that we couldn't actually pronounce the title. So we asked TopWare Interactive managing director James Seaman to clarify the title's pronunciation, as well as to tell us a bit more about the game itself. "Scivelation (Sigh-vuh-ley-shun) is a contraction of two words; Science and Revelation. Thus, Scivelation deals with a Scientific Revelation within the universe that we've created," Seaman told Joystiq. And while the setting (a "post-Apocalyptic" world) has been done a few times recently, he promised us a different take on the backdrop with Scivelation, and even cited Phillip K. Dick and Robert Heinlein as inspiration. "Though Scivelation deals with issues of societal breakdown and the world in chaos, humanity has reached the pinnacle of technological advancements. This combination of science fiction and dystopian society comes from our great love of many classic literary works." It remains to be seen whether or not TopWare Interactive's upcoming game will impress us, but at least now we know how to say its name correctly. Read Seaman's whole explanation of Scivelation after the break.

  • Pronouncing character names correctly

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Sylphine suffers from a problem that's very close to home for me: her character's name is often pronounced incorrectly by others in game. And while it's close not only because I routinely mangle names on the podcast (both accidentally and sometimes, I'll admit, for comedic purposes), but my own name is of questionable pronounciation. When I was creating my very first character ingame, I was stumbling around for a creative name, and I ended up going with a variation of the word I saw on the "Random" button in front of me: Rande. Truth be told, I have no idea how to pronounce it -- I guess I prefer "Rand" over "Randey," only because the second sounds so close to "Randy," so usually I'll just go what whatever someone says in the game. But I can see Sylphine's issue: it's probably a pain to spend so much time on a name only to have it wrecked daily.And of course, this epidemic isn't only connected to character names -- being that this is a virtual world where text is the usual form of communication, it's very common to see place names and NPC names mispronounced more often than not.In the end, you just have to do what I do: try your best and hope you get it right. And from the other side of it, don't be too angry when people mess up your name. There are 12 million of us out there, and nobody's going to get everything right.