

  • Oculus

    Meet Rembrandt in this Samsung Gear VR experience

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    The best thing about VR experiences is that they can take you to fantastical places -- or meet people you'll never get to meet in real life, like Dutch master Rembrandt. Oculus has teamed up with virtual reality studio Force Field for a Samsung Gear VR experience that takes you back to 17th century Amsterdam. Meeting Rembrandt recreates the artist's home and surroundings, using a live actor to play the artist against computer-generated environments.

  • 'The Next Rembrandt' is a 3D-printed take on the painter's style

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    A new Rembrandt painting has been unveiled in Amsterdam on Tuesday, and we're not talking about a newly discovered work. No, this one called The Next Rembrandt is truly brand new, created using data, algorithms and a 3D printer within the span of 18 months. A team of data scientists, engineers and scientists from various institutions, including Microsoft and the Rembrandt House Museum, joined forces to create this homage to the great painter. The team examined all the Dutch master's known paintings to come up with the perfect project: a portrait of a 30 to 40-year-old Caucasian male with facial hair, wearing dark clothes with a collar and a hat on his head, facing to the right.

  • Friday Video: Just go along with it

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Okay, so this isn't a video so much as it is a series of still pictures. But we like to showcase visually interesting work in our Friday Video feature, and Jason Dunn's Rembrandt studies, "painted" in Colors! certainly qualify. We think that posting them in our normal video feature emphasizes how amazing they are to look at. It turns out that the DS screen is, apparently, quite well-suited to Impressionist-style brush work. So, uh, if you're into painting in that style, and you don't mind doing so on a 3.5-inch surface, the DS might be a good investment! It also plays games and stuff. Check out another brilliant work after the break, and if you're really upset about it not being in motion, just move your head around as you look at it.