

  • The Summoner's Guidebook: Learning to help your jungler in League of Legends

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    I've been doing quite a bit of jungling lately in League of Legends. Jungling is hard, and one of the keys to being successful as a jungler is simply out of your hands: Your lanes need to play as if there were junglers in the game. I've played a jungler in countless games in which there was nothing to gank at all because my lanes played without regard for whether a jungler might come into lane. I'm not a pro jungler. Out of all of LoL's myriad roles, jungling is my second weakest (after mid lane). Rather than give advice on something I'm really bad at, I'd rather talk about jungling from the lane perspective. This week in The Summoner's Guidebook, we'll talk about the jungler's role and how you can help your jungler out. It isn't a simple matter, but I've been taking notes over the week about things that frustrated me and things that worked out for the best.