

  • Videos document player battle with ArcheAge's Kraken

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If you haven't gotten enough of ArcheAge's ridiculously gorgeous graphics and sailing mechanics, then prepare to wet your whistle on not one, not two, but three new videos showing off ocean exploration and monster encounters. Sailing and ship combat is one of the lesser-utilized mechanics in the MMO field, so if ArcheAge can pull it off, then it might make waves. Figuratively speaking. These three videos document an encounter with the fearsome Kraken -- giant squid with an anger management problem -- and what happens to a fragile wooden boat that sails into its waiting tentacles. According to the video, the Kraken has nearly a million hit points and can smash entire armadas with impunity. The videos show a fleet trying to take on the fearsome underwater world boss, but the players are only able to make a dent for all their efforts. Conquer your fears of the unknown by hitting the jump and checking out this impressive beta footage!

  • Mythic Worlds and FLS CEO on PotBS

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Mystic Worlds is among the many blogs (including ours) who have been posting impressions of Pirates of the Burning Sea during their beta, but she got something that not many other sites have gotten: answers from the CEO of Flying Lab Software himself. Russell Williams, FLS' CEO, emailed her about what she'd posted, and countered a few of her concerns about the game before launch.To her point that the female avatars look the same as men, he replied that FLS wanted customization to work across both sexes, so they had to use the same models (with a few modifications, obviously) for both. He says that the swashbuckling does need some tuning (and keep in mind that there are still weeks before the game launches for FLS to fix some of these issues), and that the invisible walls and tiny spaces in the beta are being worked on. He also says that a lot of the late-game instances and towns are much bigger-- as we heard in the press tour, FLS got better at designing as they went along (does that mean they should have designed the end of the game first?).Finally, he says that the three "star systems" FLS targeted were sailing combat, organic PvP, and the economy, so if you're looking for those in an MMO, they'll have something to offer. Of course they're working hard on everything else as well, but those were the three key things he says they aimed for.The date is almost on us-- after January 22nd, the game goes officially live for everyone, and then Williams has to let the game speak for itself.