

  • Cinemassively: Media in SL - old vs. new

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Whenever an important topic comes up, virtual video journalist, Draxtor Despres, is on the scene. His YouTube page features a variety of coverage, including movie premieres, celebrity appearances, and even a trip to the Second Life Community Convention. They are all part of what is dubbed "the first TV magazine in Second Life", Life 4-U.In his latest episode, Draxtor took a look at how both old and new media are participating in SL. He interviewed podcasters, film makers, online magazines, and blogs, to find out what they think about the situation. Starr Sonic, of SLCN, speculated that real life companies coming in won't be able to commit to making it work, because it requires extensive hand-holding. However, at the end, Marvel Ousley states that once residents cut their teeth on the free news blogs, such as CNN's i-Report, she'll pay them to write for SLNN. That sounds like a winning situation to me!