

  • World of WarCrafts: What would Thrall sleep in?

    Maureen Carter
    Maureen Carter

    Even a Warchief has to sleep sometimes but his bedding has to be totally awesome for him to do so. I think that these sheets and blankets would certainly fit that bill and make even the mighty Thrall sleep well at night. Made by a girlfriend of a WoWer these sheets are any Hordey's dream. (Get it...dream, sheets?) To make your own Horde sheet all you need are some acrylic or fabric paints, plain sheets a stencil you can make yourself and a sponge or sponge brush. Assuming you can find or create a picture of the Horde logo (is it called a logo?) you can pretty easily print out a template. There are some tips on making your own stencil later on in the comments.

  • TUAW Tip: Speed up Sheet animation

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    I was reading this article from MacDevCenter on how productivity maven Mark Hurst sets up a new "Good Easy Mac" for his own maximally productive use. He's got a number of interesting choices (check them out for yourself), but one of the coolest tips was a link to a MacOSXhints hint that describes how to speed up your sheet dialog boxes. These are the boxes that appear when you open, save, or print and by default OS X animates them so that they drop down and expand. Well if you open a lot of these sheets like I do, this can get annoying after a while, especially if you use Default Folder X, which adds its own delay. Anyway, a simple terminal command can radically speed up the appearance of these sheets, which over the course of a day can really cut down on the annoyance factor. All you have to do is open the terminal and type:defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime .001If you want to restore the default behavior just replace the '.001' with '.2' Anyway, try it, I bet you'll like it.