

  • Dick Darrell via Getty Images

    Martin Scorsese to direct Netflix special on 'Second City Television'

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    Canada's Second City Television sketch comedy series is getting a retrospective, which will be directed by Martin Scorsese for Netflix, Variety reports. The series debuted in 1976 and ran for six seasons, featuring the likes of Martin Short, Catherine O'Hara, John Candy and Rick Moranis. It was also nominated for over a dozen Emmys after NBC picked it up in 1981, winning its first in 1982 and another the following year.

  • Today's most commented video: Message board sketch

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    In this NSFW (for language) video short, CollegeHumor applies the message-board mechanics to a business setting for amusing results. Quality writing offsets the week-and-a-half age. (And we're sure you'll be inspired to tell us off in the comments after viewing.)Watch the video after the break, and leave your own hilarious message.[Image credit]

  • Today's hottest game video: Live-action Pac-Man

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-watched YouTube game video is a live-action recreation of Pac-Man. A skit on a Japanese comedy show, some of the jokes are missed in translation; however, the international languages of physical comedy, crazy costumes, and that yellow puck character speak to any gamer. There's even Pac-Man violence, something we all understand, regardless of nationality.Watch the video after the break.