

  • Asda 2 closed beta starts tomorrow

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If getting married, fishing, or fighting over mining rights sounds like a pleasant diversion from your typical MMO fare, then you may want to check out Asda 2. The PvP-centric sequel to Asda Story is going into closed beta tomorrow, May 5th, until Monday the 9th. During this five-day period, testers can experience Asda 2's signature Avatar system to control their characters' look and style. If a friend tags along for the ride, then the game's Soul Mate feature will allow the pair of you to level faster, gain access to new skills, and increase in power when playing together. GamesCampus' Uyen Ton Nu hopes that Asda fever catches on: "There is already so much anticipation for Asda 2 that we are really looking forward to player feedback as we introduce them to this new title in the Asda franchise." You can sign up for the limited closed beta period over at Asda 2, and don't forget to check out the trailer for the game after the jump!