

  • Captain's Log: Five basics of ground combat in Star Trek Online

    Ryan Greene
    Ryan Greene

    It's time again for Captain's Log, where we examine the best and the worst Star Trek Online has to offer -- and everything in between -- each and every Thursday. Or at least until I replace my emotion chip with a dance champion chip. Then I'm off to conquer Dancing with the Stars. This week, I've had a change of heart. I was in the middle of writing about grouping, loneliness and the new squad system in STO when the universe -- as the universe is wont to do -- mucked that up. As I ran around trying to take a few screenshots for the grouping column, poor Captain Gil found himself caught in a seemingly endless string of ground-combat missions. And so, if for no other reason than because I snapped a bunch of guys-shooting-each-other-with-phasers pictures, this week's Captain's Log introduces some of the basics of ground combat in STO.