

  • Wasteland Diaries: Sector 1

    Edward Marshall
    Edward Marshall

    In the past few weeks in Fallen Earth, I've been spending a bit of time in sector 1 -- the Plateau Sector. I have to admit, it's still my favorite sector. It's the epitome of a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The other sectors (possibly excluding Deadfall) look a bit too lush and green for my tastes. Of all the sectors, it is also the busiest. It holds the most missions, towns and bonus AP. Even though it looks like a sparsely populated wasteland, there is plenty for a new clone (or an old one) to do. In this post I will take a look at Fallen Earth's sector 1 in all its glory, from the starter towns to the capital. I've visited them all, and they all have a distinct place in my earliest memories of Fallen Earth. I was most amazed at how different the entire sector looks now, after all the graphical enhancements. I was looking at some old screenshots from last year, and everything looks so much better now. I'm not saying that an apocalyptic landscape can be a beautiful thing, but I sometimes stop killing whatever it is that I'm killing to admire the sunset. So, without any further ado, let's take a look at sector 1.