

  • Toshiba's tiny IK-HD1 camera used in Olympus Synergy-HD microscope system

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Time to bust open the memory vault. Aw, don't kvetch too much, we're only talkin' last month. Toshiba Imaging's diminutive IK-HD1 3CCD HDTV camera, which was showcased at NAB Show 2008, has found its way into Olympus' new Synergy-HD Microscope Imaging System. The two have partnered up in order to deliver a clinical microscope for pathology and teaching that transmits 1,920 x 1,080 resolution imagery onto a bundled 42- or 47-inch 1080p LCD monitor. Folks interested in the system can also snag an additional PC with an HD-SDI frame grabber for showing off captures in front of a group -- and making everyone in attendance unquestionably nauseous.