

  • Explore the virtualized life of a digitized mind in Loading Human

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    There's something unsettling about a VR game set in a someone else's digitized mind, the kind of unsettling that makes us question who we are and go looking for the holes in our neck. That said, Untold Games' concept of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets Monkey Island in virtual reality" has our interest piqued in Loading Human. The Eternal Sunshine drop - great movie - derives from the plot. You play as André Gibson, a writer suffering from the degenerative memory disease Alzheimer's. Your wife, seemingly unbeknownst to you, transfers your mind into a digital program called Loading Human. There you have to relive your life to complete the procedure and preserve your memories. It sounds very philosophical, if a little confusing - why does she die if the transfer fails? The Monkey Island side comes from point-and-click gameplay made pseudo-tactile by combining the Oculus Rift with motion controllers like the Sixense Stem or Razer Hydra. According to Untold, each object in the game has an interactive script, such as a ringing phone that you can answer, and put to your ear to hear louder. Loading Human is due on Windows PC and Mac this year. If you're interested but Rift-less, it'll also be playable on monitors, but you'll need a "supported motion-based controller."