

  • Phat Loot Phriday: Warrior Tier 14: The Bladinating

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    When last we left our heroes, they were discussing the finer points of beer and tea in an experimental post that didn't really work out well. Taking feedback (and several donkey punches to the gut from his editor) seriously, the narrator returns to the ongoing action -- which is to say, getting the dynamically delicious duo toward Pandaria. Just now, they're getting dressed, because this is Lolegolas we're talking about here. "Stop me if you've heard this one before," Lolegolas said. "What in the name of Metzen's meticulously groomed beard are you wearing?" Throgg froze in place, paused in the motion of removing his shoulder armor from its plastic hanger. (Lolegolas can't abide wire hangers.) "Uh. Armor? Like you wear in battle?" "That thing looks like it's from the Gillette school of gearing," the blood elf said. "When in doubt, add more blades." "It's awkward when I have to scratch," Throgg agreed. "Good for stopping people from ... punching me ... in the shoulder. I guess?" Lolegolas grunted noncommittally. "What's it called?" "Tier 14." "That's it? Tier 14? That's the name that's meant to strike fear into the souls of beer demons?" "You're being impatient," Throgg commented. "It has a name; I just don't know it yet. So I like to call it Mach 8. Because it has eight blades." "We're really stuck on the razor analogy here, aren't we?" Lolegolas said. "We've had enough close shaves already," Throgg replied. "Time to be a little more careful." Item Note: This preview of Warrior tier 14 brought to us by those ingenious folks over at Wowhead. It's good to be back to the mo'-blades, mo'-betta school of gearing. Phat Loot Phriday brings you the scoop on some of the most ... interesting ... loot in the World of Warcraft, often viewed through the eyes of the stalwart Throgg and indelible Lolegolas. Suggest items you think we should feature by emailing mikeg@wowinsider.com.