

  • Korg Wavedrum Mini makes music from your nervous tics (video)

    Terrence O'Brien
    Terrence O'Brien

    Can't stop banging out Rebecca Black's oh-so-infectious jams on your knickerbockers? Korg's Wavedrum Mini won't make Friday any less awful, but it could make your inexcusable actions a wee bit less annoying. The Q3-bound Mini crams the company's digital drum pad tech into a portable package with a built in speaker, and its myriad buttons let you choose from 100 different sounds including strings, synth tones, and a gaggle of percussion instruments. You'll also get 100 preset rhythms for those who prefer their instruments play themselves, but surely that's not you... right? Heck, there's even a loop function so you can build layer upon layer (upon layer!) of cacophonous noise. The best part, however, is the included sensor, which can be clipped to almost anything, turning your ceaseless toe tapping into bass hits. If you can't wait to see it in action, take a gander at the exceedingly long demo video after the break.