

  • LucasFilm registers domains for 'Star Wars Rebels,' 'Wookie Hunters' and others

    Jordan Mallory
    Jordan Mallory

    LucasFilm has registered a gaggle of domains for heretofore unannounced Star Wars projects, and while there are indications that at least some of them may be video games of some sort, whether that's a good thing depends on how you feel about Gungans. The domains, which include StarWarsRebels.com, StarWarsWolfPack.com, WookieHunters.com and WolfPackAdventures.net (among others) were all registered by LucasFilm on May 6, the same day EA announced its exclusive agreement with Disney for all things Star Wars. That proximity, coupled with the fact that three of the domains appear to represent a series of Gungan Frontier sequels, indicate that all of these projects may be interactive in nature. Hit up the source link for a full list of the registered addresses.