

  • Two Bosses Enter: Ishanah vs. Brann Bronzebeard

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, bosses, leaders, and powerful figures of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. To the cheers of a roaring crowd, Archmage Aethas Sunreaver stands triumphant against the noble taunka leader Roanauk Icemist. No amount of prayer and reverence to the elements could stem the tide of the arcane powers of the Archmage. What makes me happy is that we will have a blood elf in the semi-final matchups, a situation that I would not have expected to happen this go around. Our featured matchup this week pits two first-round winners against each other in the first semi-final bout in the Two Bosses Enter exhibition season. From her high seat of power atop Aldor Rise, High Priestess Ishanah commands the gifts bestowed upon her by her naaru allies. From the depths under a forgotten tomb, Brann Bronzebeard lurks in musty corridors, searching for long-lost artifacts. Who is advancing to the next round of Two Bosses Enter? %Poll-71676%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Aethas Sunreaver vs. Roanauk Icemist

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, bosses, leaders, and powerful figures of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. In last week's thrilling episode of Two Bosses Enter, Scryer head honcho Voren'thal the Seer went head-to-head against Yorg Stormheart, king of the Frostborn dwarves. Vorenthal's magister abilities were not match for the dwarven mountain king and his crazy hammer of jormungar bashing. Yorg Stormheart, also known as Muradin Bronzebeard, easily trounced this round, giving the dwarf a bona fide win. This week's matchup signals the end of the first round of exhibition season one with an all-Horde fight between Archmage Aethas Sunreaver of the Sunreaver faction versus Roanauk Icemist, proud taunka chieftain of the Dragonblight. Aethas' leadership, vigilence, and savvy goes up against the brute strength and cunning of an elder taunka warrior. Only you readers have the power to decide who goes on to the next round. Vote now -- the fate of the universe depends on your action. %Poll-71434%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Voren'thal vs. Yorg Stormheart

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, bosses, leaders, and powerful figures of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. The love our community has for the great explorer Brann Bronzebeard is second to none, as the stalwart dwarf easily defeated The Silver Covenant's leader Vereesa Windrunner in last week's matchup that delighted Brann fans and maybe made a new Vereesa fan or two. Nonetheless, it was a big voting week, and this week's matchup will test your loyalties just as much. As our exhibition season continues, factional lines are drawn in the sand and loyalties are tested. Champions from varying factions are pitted against each other, and you decide who reigns supreme. This week's matchup puts an unlikely ally to the naaru up against an unlikely king of dwarves. Voren'thal, once a tool of Kael'thas, now stands against Yorg Stormheart, once the great Muradin Bronzebeard. Who wins, readers? %Poll-71271%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Brann Bronzebeard vs. Vereesa Windrunner

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, bosses, leaders, and powerful figures of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. The Two Bosses Enter exhibition season continues with a matchup of two Alliance powerhouses duking it out for fame and glory. Brann Bronzebeard, legendary explorer and Old God waker-upper, will put his years of experience running away from and narrowly escaping the horrors of Azeroth to use as he stands short and proud against Vereesa Windrunner, youngest of the Windrunner daughters and perfect with a bow. Which Alliance champion will come out on top? With a solid first win under her belt, Ishanah of the Aldor kicks Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher back to his dig site in the Badlands, ending his chances for victory in the exhibition season. Readers fondly remembered Ishanah from their Burning Crusade days, pointing to her prominence as one of the naaru's chosen as being instrumental to her win. Plus, I think readers just like her better. The time has come, adventurers. Who will move on to the next round? Vote! Vote, I say! %Poll-71105%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher vs. Ishanah

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, bosses, leaders, and powerful figures of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Welcome to the first matchup in the Two Bosses Enter faction leader exhibition season. While we wait for the new instances to hit in patch 4.3 and get familiar with their mechanics and lore, Two Bosses Enter is beginning the first exhibition season, pitting lesser-known faction leaders against one another. Maybe you'll even learn something cool about a character in the lore who you have never heard of. The full bracket for this exhibition season is right after the jump. The first matchup pits Reliquary leader and proud blood elf Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher against High Priestess Ishanah, leader of the Aldor draenei in the broken city of Shattrath. These two faction leaders couldn't be more different in terms of goals, motives, and means. Let's learn a thing or two about these competitors. %Poll-70901%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Announcing the exhibition season

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Last season ended with an epic victory by gun-toting Undead maniac Lord Godfrey's firing a bullet through readers' hearts and securing a slick victory over all who challenged him. With patch 4.3 on the horizon, we'll have a bunch of new dungeon and raid bosses to add to the third season of Two Bosses Enter. Until then, I've got a fun series of exhibition matches lined up for readers while we wait for the patch to drop and let players have some time with the new bosses before they enter the ring. Exhibition season one will pit faction leader against faction leader with a twist. You see, these faction leaders aren't coming from the Horde or the Alliance. No, readers, these faction leaders are from the secondary and tertiary factions. Hit the jump to hear Tirion, our faithful Two Bosses Enter benefactor and facilitator, announce this exhibition season's lineup.

  • Two Bosses Enter: Lord Godfrey conquers all in season 2

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. The final round is over, the votes are tallied, and Lord Godfrey takes the win in this season of Two Bosses Enter. It's been a pretty crazy season, with close calls and huge upsets. Vanessa VanCleef, the favored champion and second place hero from last season, faced a narrow defeat by Zanzil in the semi-final matchup and ultimately her defeat. Godfrey's unlikely opponent Zanzil came from behind during a surprisingly grim tournament for trolls, as readers expressed their dissatisfaction with the Troll heroic bosses. Your champion, without further ado, is Lord Godfrey. Hit the jump for a review of this season and the final outcome. %Poll-70116%

  • Two Bosses Enter: The final matchup, Lord Godfrey vs. Zanzil

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Welcome to the grand season finale of Two Bosses Enter. This is the final matchup for the season, pitting Shadowfang Keep resident badass Lord Godfrey against Zul'Gurub resident badass Zanzil. Poisons versus pistols. Fire versus fashion. Ghouls versus zombies. This is the big one, people. Get ready to vote for who takes it all home on Two Bosses Enter Cataclysm Season 2. I'll be honest -- I never thought that I would be writing down these words in this competition. Zanzil has won out over Vanessa VanCleef by a mere 13 votes. Thirteen votes. Almost 5,000 votes were tallied, and Zanzil won by only 13 votes. The legions of Vanessa VanCleef fans failed to stop the Troll juggernaut. We live in end times, friends. %Poll-70116%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Vanessa VanCleef vs. Zanzil

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Lord Godfrey is moving on to the final matchup after a solid win against his opponent Foe Reaper 5000. Despite the mechanical reaper's resilience through the tournament and his hardcore following, Lord Godfrey's twin pistols dismantled every nut, bolt, and gizmo. Foe Reaper 5000, we hardly knew ye. Lord Godfrey will now have to face either Vanessa VanCleef or Zanzil in the final matchup of this season of Two Bosses Enter. I can guarantee that this matchup between Vanessa VanCleef and Zanzil will be the most epic match of this season of Two Bosses Enter. Sure, the finals are coming up, and that will definitely be an epic matchup, but these are the two biggest heavy hitters of the tournament. Will fanboy favorite Vanessa VanCleef be able to best the coolest Troll to rule the school since Zul'jin? Poison master versus potion master. This one is for the history books. %Poll-69848%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Foe Reaper 5000 vs. Lord Godfrey

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, alts of all levels -- welcome to the Two Bosses Enter final rounds. It has been a tournament of ups and downs, crazy victories, and surprising results. There are only two matches left to determine who will face off in the final matchup to be this season's big winner. Now, a mechanical menace tries his luck against a gun-toting maniac. Who will win in a fight of deranged machine versus angry undead? Zul'Gurub won out against Zul'Aman, as Zanzil easily trounced Jan'alai in last week's matchup. Zanzil has been a favorite for the entire tournament and has the highest potential to beat out everyone's favorite pantsless supervillain, Vanessa VanCleef. The finals have begun! %Poll-69675%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Jan'alai vs. Zanzil

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. It's a rumble in the jungle where two big names in the Zul'circle face off in WoW Insider's ring. Jan'alai, avatar of the dragonhawk, faces off against potion master Zanzil and his crazy concoctions. I think that this could be one of the more interesting fights in this season of Two Bosses Enter. Troll versus Troll, Zul'Aman versus Zul'Gurub. Choose your empire! Last week's fight went as predicted. Vanessa VanCleef, mistress of poisons and daughter of the late, great Edwin VanCleef, beat out Daakara by just shy of a thousand votes. Wow. You guys sure do love Vanessa. I love her, too -- but come on lady, put on some pants. Azerothian winters are going to be cold this year. %Poll-69495%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Vanessa VanCleef vs. Daakara

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Lord Godfrey trounced watcher Setesh in last week's battle, cutting short the easily skippable combatant with a flurry of bullets and a cool-looking hat. Godfrey's moves were too much for Setesh's portals, void adds, and general titanic powers. Personally, I think it was the hat. This week's matchup is going to be a doozy. Vanessa VanCleef, one of the most popular contestants on Two Bosses Enter, is fresh off her win against Hex Lord Malacrass, but who really expected Malacrass to beat VanCleef in a one-on-one fight? Not me, at least. Vote, minions! %Poll-69338%

  • Two Bosses Enter: Lord Godfrey vs. Setesh

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Who knew Foe Reaper 5000 was such a fan favorite? The mechanical monstrosity put a large, harvester-fist-shaped dent into Azil's championship fighting career, knocking her out of the tournament with a big 59% of the vote from last week. I'm suspecting that the matchup was really more about which boss didn't get people so many headaches. This week's matchup pits Shadowfang resident and gun-toting maniac Lord Godfrey against oft-ignored Titan construct Setesh in a duel to the proverbial death. Will Godfrey's bullets be enough to end Setesh's calls to the void, or will Setesh's chaos bolts be too much to handle? Let's vote! %Poll-69140% Follow along for the details of this week's matchup, as well as discussion on last week's match.

  • Two Bosses Enter: High Priestess Azil vs. Foe Reaper 5000

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Last week's matchup between Zanzil and Beauty was, unfortunately, not as nail-bitingly close as the Jan'alai and Corborus matchup, but it still had some major turn-out for this mismatched pair. In the end, Zanzil took the win based on the voting, but Beauty and her litter of core hound pups were definitely the fan favorite. Votes, however, are the winner's currency. The first round of fighting is over and it's time for the next round of matches to begin. The first matchup after the initial bouts is a strange matchup indeed, even stranger than the original two that brought us these two winning contestants. This week, High Priestess Azil, Twilight Hammer priestess extraordinaire, faces off against the mechanical menace Foe Reaper 5000. %Poll-68828% Follow along for the details of this week's matchup, as well as discussion on last week's match.

  • Two Bosses Enter: Beauty vs. Zanzil

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Wow. Wow. Last week's Two Bosses Enter matchup was incredibly close. At one point, both competitors were tied, with votes ticking up each side until the final day. When the poll finally closed, Jan'alai took the victory by only three apparently four votes. Four votes. Now, I don't know what this tells me. People must hate each of these bosses equally. Suffice it to say, this was an awesome matchup that went down to the wire. More excitement like that, please! This week's matchup features two bosses that hearken back to the days of vanilla World of Warcraft -- the great corehound Beauty and her adorable litter face off against cauldron master Zanzil's voodoo trickery. Whose cuisine will reign supreme? %Poll-68694% Follow along for the details of this week's matchup, as well as discussion on last week's match.

  • Two Bosses Enter: Jan'alai vs. Corborus

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Temple Guardian Anhuur's sweet, dulcet tones could not stand up to the might of Daakara, Zul'Aman's new leader sitting atop the Amani throne, once reserved for the one-armed Zul'jin. I guess Anhuur just wasn't ready for the bear/eagle combination that just annoys PUGs as much as it does the might of the Two Bosses Enter arena competitors. This week, Zul'Aman favorite Jan'alai, avatar of the dragonhawk, goes up against PUG-stomper Corborus, the colossal gyreworm. Who will come out on top this week? %Poll-68310% Follow along for the details of this week's matchup, as well as discussion on last week's match.

  • Two Bosses Enter: Ozruk wins Cataclysm Season 1

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Within the tournament administration pavilion, Vanessa delicately turned the pages of the ponderous Tome of Champions, which sat upon a stone pedestal engraved with the righteous fist of the Silver Hand. It was the record book of all who have won and lost in sanctioned gladiatorial battle in Azerothian history, though Vanessa did not know the difference between sanctioned and unsanctioned or who even sanctioned it to begin with. After many patient moments, she reached the record of the most recent gladiatorial season. The brackets were an unholy mess, largely thanks to her interference, with countless matchups hastily crossed out and refilled with her name or that of those in her employ in place of the original combatants. A glorious, sneaky campaign to be sure, but it wasn't enough: Ozruk's name had gone into the records as the winner of the season despite her efforts. She sneered and turned the page again. A pleased gasp escaped Vanessa's lips. The brackets for the next season were blank! Not a single person had registered yet! She quickly slipped a fountain pen from her tunic and set it to paper. She only managed to get down a single name before Tirion Fordring stormed up behind her. "Vanessa! What do you think you're doing, girl!? Get away from that! I will not let you continue to make a mockery of this tournament!"

  • Two Bosses Enter: Cataclysm Season 1 finals

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. "Today, in the left corner, stands the guardian of the World's Heart!" Tirion's voice rose to a crescendo to be heard over the explosive cheering of the audience and the music thundering forth from the gnomish sound projectors. "Ozruk!" Break yourself, break yourself Break yourselves upon my body Break yourself, break yourself Break yourselves upon my body ... And so it went. A frown grew on Tirion's face, displeased with the so-called hippity-hop, but what the audience wanted, the audience would get. The moment the music faded, the old crusader motioned to the other corner. "In the right corner stands ..." Tirion leaned forward, squinting to make out the form far below. He sighed deeply. "Vanessa, what are you doing here? Where is the Cardboard Assassin? And why are you wearing that chapeau?"

  • Two Bosses Enter: Whitemane and Mograine vs. ... wait, what?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. The Crusaders, Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine, stepped into the Two Bosses arena, well-rested after their bout with Forgemaster Throngus. The Cardboard Assassin had already been assembled in the opposite corner, swaying uneasily with the deafening roar of the gathered crowd. Tirion Fordring rose from his seat and spread his arms to silence the audience. The moment the cheering stalled, Tirion motioned to Whitemane and Mograine. He bellowed, voice gruff and rumbling. "Today, in the left corner, heralding from the Tirisfal Glades of the fallen Kingdom of Lordaeron, we have the Scarlet Crusaders, Champions of the Light, bane of the unholy Scourge." Tirion motioned in the other direction. "In the right corner, heralding from the forges of Westfall, stands the Cardboard Assassin, slayer of men and gods alike." "Champions," Fordring shouted, "are you rea--" The arena floor burst into flames, flooding the coliseum with smoke and cutting Lord Fordring's words short, driving the audience into sudden silence. The fires were extinguished as quickly as they came, and a woman stood in their place, obscured amidst the smoke. "Well," she observed, "this hardly seems fair."

  • Two Bosses Enter: Ozruk vs. Eregos

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In Two Bosses Enter, WoW Insider's series of fantasy death matches, the bosses of World of Warcraft face off in the squared circle. Your vote determines who wins and claims the season title. Readers have been saying all along that Ozruk is going to sweep this tournament, and he's on course to do just that. He's in for his most difficult battle yet this week, however. Could Eregos, Wrath of the Lich King Two Bosses Enter champion, pull out a win over him? Remember, audence -- we've put a roof on the Two Bosses Enter arena. Eregos is a formidable opponent, but he cannot just fly away and call it a win! %Poll-65168% In last week's matchup, Shadowfang Keep's Baron Ashbury went head to head with the corrugated menace. How did he fare? %Gallery-119335% Follow along for the details of this week's matchup, as well as discussion on last week's match.