
Phantom game console taking shape?

The Phantom

Infinium Labs have been granted a trademark for their end-to-end online gaming service, the Phantom. The console will hook up to your broadband internet connection to allow online distribution of games. Now that they've been granted a trademark they can begin to market the console without fear of having their products ripped off by a thirteen year old millionaire entrepreneur sitting at his computer. In the past the company has been plagued by criticism from ex-employees and members of the community. The company has also failed to release the console despite announcing it would do so twice in the past. Add to this a lawsuit accusing the CEO of committing fraud and you have a very turbulent aura surrounding a supposedly revolutionary console which hopes to bring online distribution to the mainstream. Compare this to the relatively pristinely hyped marketing campaigns of Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo and the Phantom doesn't look all that appealing. Is this trademark too little too late for the Phantom?

[Thanks, bandersnatch]