
HD Beat feature updates

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Hopefully by now, you've seen some of our new features. We're trying hard to keep everyone happy and provide value at the same time. Essentially, you're our "customers," so if we can keep you happy, informed and (dare I say it?) even entertained, then we know we've done our job.

To help meet those goals, we've started our weekly Buyer's Guide segment. Each Wednesday, Matt provides another facet to the high-def buying process. He kicked it off last week with some suggestions on screen sizes and earlier today, he discussed different HD display technologies.

Richard is also bringing a unique perspective here as he created his HD Nation feature that kicked off yesterday. Every Tuesday he'll feature some HD posts from around the blogosphere to provide you a broader view. If you're a blogger and have some interesting thoughts on HD, watch for HD Nation every Tuesday; your name could "be in lights" here at HD Beat!

Finally, we implemented our weekend feature section with our Roku PhotoBridge review last Saturday. Our weekend features will likely rotate between hands-on reviews, interviews with industry experts, how-to's, perhaps even a podcast or two. You'll have to stay tuned each weekend; in fact, I'll tip our hand for the coming weekend. Watch for Matt's review Panasonic's LCD projection unit, the PT44LCX65 this weekend!

If you have thoughts on a recurring feature, we're all rabbit-ears, so just use our contact form. If you're happy with what we do here, tell your friends and ask them to subscribe. If you're not happy, tell us so we can try to adjust our sets as needed. Thanks!