
Ed ZNDR takes a key note from Jobs: announce when you ship

Ed ZNDR is sick of people ripping off his damn phones -- and rightly so, says we. Precisely how many ROKR / RAZR / SLVR / PEBL / WHTVR keepin' it real fakes will we have to run before they take some serious action? Well, apparently none, since Ed took a moment at 3GSM to complain about the way his (and every other mobile) company announces products long in advance of their release -- sometimes years, given Moto's propensity for delays -- and that it gives the competition an advantage in knocking off Moto's signature designs. The solution? "We announce when we ship," Zander says, just like Jobbyjobs. Ok dude, that's cool, but don't go thinking people still aren't gonna see what you guys are cooking up behind the scenes. That is, after all, why we're here.