
What it takes to make remarkable games

Seth Godin, author, speaker, and marketing guru extraordinaire examines what makes a product remarkable during a February 2006 presentation at Google headquarters. He argues that technology doesn't win (as common business knowledge suggests), rather technology gives a company a shot at marketing.

At 42:48 into the video, one Google engineer asked why Google Maps hadn't overtaken MapQuest despite the former's "AJAX-ian" efforts. His response: People didn't have a map problem before Google's offering was introduced. While Maps received initial consumer conversation, and the product has enjoyed some moderate success, it will never go viral unless the map program can add significant value to the product experience, enough to warrant sustained consumer remarks making the product remarkable.

So what does this have to do with gaming ("This isn't news!")? It poses several interesting questions: Do we as gamers have a legitimate problem that developers aren't solving when it comes to being entertained by the medium? If so, why are industry sales growing? What does it take to make remarkable games, and can a sequel truly be remarkable? Keep in mind proven business models don't have to be centered around remarkable products.

Socratic questioning stops here. Commenting begins now.

[via Bart Gibby]