
For sale: WoW day planners and Adventure Logs

Jeni over on livejournal

has a cafepress shop where she sells-- you're not going to believe this-- WoW day planners. This is amazing-- not only do these books have the normal holidays in them, but they also come with preprinted WoW holidays! Never miss a Feast of Nobelgarden or a Children's Week festival again! And it looks like on every page, Jeni's printed a quote from a characteringame. You could be writing your dentist appointment above a quote from Herod that says "Blades of Light!" I'm way too excited about these.

But if you think that's cool, check this out: she's also got Adventure Logs. Yes, if the built-in quest log isn't enough for you, you can get your very own notebook devoted specifically to recording WoW quest information. There's even a place to keep printed screenshots of your characters, track profession recipes, and even create instance gear templates. All right, so that's a little much even for me, but if you happen to be really obsessive, maybe the Adventure Log is your thing.

But I love that day planner idea-- the coloring book was good, but this is definitely WoW merchandising at its best (so much so that the legal status of these might be a little iffy, actually). The only qualm I have about picking one up is the covers-- they're a bit cute for a rugged Orc Shaman like myself. I know Jeni probably made them herself, so I don't want to be too harsh-- they're OK, they just don't work for me. But I'd be all over one of these books if they had a cover, say, drawn by the talented and extremely nice folks over at MMOArt. Get me a WoW day planner with something like this on the cover of it, and my credit card will be jumping out of my wallet.