
Life when your realm is down

With new patches come new problems. Disappearing items have caused Blizzard to hotfix and restart every realm, with the side effect of lots of realms being offline and some (including my home realm, Magtheridon) having disappeared entirely. I just got back from a weeklong vacation, and with it being patch day, I've been dying to get in-game. But other than staring at the realm list, what can you do when your realm is down?

  1. Play with the character generator. Make the most attractive character you can for each race and gender. Then make the ugliest. (Does anyone ever use the human female with the wrinkled face?) Try to make a facsimile of your own appearance!

  2. Try out some new realm types. Are PVP server chats really meaner than on RPPVP? How far can a level 1 get into enemy territory if you stick to the roads on a PVP server?

  3. Create a reputation for yourself. Roll an Alliance and Horde character on a PVE server. Go into major cities and proceed to talk about how much of a jerk your alt on the other faction is. Feel free to make up outlandish stories of ninjaing, sexual harassment, etc. Then do the same on the other alt. See how many people you can get to whisper you and condemn your "actions."

  4. Try to catch people cybering on RP servers. Or, if you're into that sort of thing, create a night elf/blood elf and do a little mailbox dancing, see how much money you get, and then donate it all to some lucky noob.

  5. Hang with your guildies on Vent. It's amazing how much you can actually get done when the server's down. It's a good time for an officer meeting, or an all-guild DOTA competition, or finally creating that Screaming Raid Leader Drinking Game you've been working on.

Have you been annoyed by the recent outages? What do you do when WoW is up, but your realm isn't?