
Nintendo Media Summit: Drawn to Life impressions (DS)

The Nintendo Media Summit this week had many quirky games, but one of the most unique and endearing was the DS action/adventure title, Drawn to Life. The coolest part of the game is that you can actually draw your in-game character, his weapons, and even create moving platforms to help you get over bottomless caverns. It's an incredibly fun idea, and the game pulls it off well.

The story of the game is fairly typical: Your village is overcome by darkness and evil and it's up to you to save the day by beating down all the bad guys. The twist is just how much of the game is user-created or modifiable. You can use pre-existing character models, or you can tweak them, or you can just make your own guy entirely. You'll even create in-game creatures by drawing them! There is something really fun about seeing your drawing spring to life and hop around. The game also allows you to trade your various creations back and forth with other friends (handy if one of your friends is a better artist than you).


Outside of the drawing aspect of the game, the gameplay is pretty standard. You have four unique worlds, 16 levels and 50 stages, amounting to more than 15 hours of gameplay they claim. You slash baddies and hop over pits, navigating through the level. Once you combine the charming art style, the ability to create all kinds of items in the world by drawing them, and the some nice online support, Drawn to Life becomes a very attractive title. Look for it this fall.