
Breakfast topic: Offhand madness

WoW's designers can't get too creative with most of their armor. Helmets can be buckets, crowns, hoods, etc., but they still have to be able to fit on the heads of twenty different models. Same with shoulderpieces and clothing, which are mostly distinguished by color and a little extra ornamentation. There's a little more latitude with weapons, but still, they've got to look something like a hammer/sword/dagger/staff. Indeed, the only items that are allowed to look completely insane are offhands.

Looking at Wowhead's Off-hand Frills page, you can see that the designers had a field day. There are dragon eyes and digested hands. There are sticks of dynamite and dandelions.

I think the coolest offhand that's worth anything is the Talisman of Nightbane, which is a nice offhand for mages and destruction locks and also breathes fire every few seconds. But for pure entertainment, I'm fond of the various offhand fish you can find in the game. Dueling as a rogue with an offhand fish is pretty fun.

What do you think is the best offhand? What about the best-looking one?