
LittleBigPlanet is almost done, public beta in a few months

Are you just itching to find out more information about LittleBigPlanet? Today we've got a quick summary for you, as PSU had a fairly detailed hands-on report to dish out, not unlike our own glowing review. If you are curious about LBP but don't want to read for ten minutes, we'll summarize the important points for you to take into consideration.

  • Your character has different moods (changed by hitting a direction on the D-pad) and depending on these moods, he will control differently. He will bounce as he moves if happy, or keep his head low and walk like he's pouting when sad.

  • Player vs. Player mode will be available -- there's more than just cooperating to create a level. An example of this would be the "Racing Mode" where levels are built for speed. If you've ever played the final stage in Earthworm Jim 2, we expect something like that footrace with Psy-Crow. That was a hard level.

  • LBP is nearly complete and a public beta is supposedly hitting the PSN sometime this fall prior to release.

That's about the high and low of it. We never expected this PSN title to burn so brightly in the Hype Furnace, but we can't resist the warmth of its glow. It looks fantastic. However, does anyone think its a system mover? Will the idea of this game and more to come like it push people into rethinking about the PS3's price? We'd like to imagine so, especially with the immense number of exclusives coming this holiday season.
[Thanks, Justin!]