
Harvest Moon DS Cute hits the U.S. in Q1

If the tedium of tending to a farm, planting crops and tending to livestock, sounds like a recipe for fun to you, then you no doubt have been a longtime subscriber to the Harvest Moon newsletter. In ordering from its catalog, you've probably gathered quite the collection of games. Good for you.

And you should know that the good times are going to keep rolling, as it has been revealed a new game in the series is coming to the DS during Q1 of next year. Of course this only applies to those of us in the U.S. and not other regions, which are likely to receive the game at a different time.

Hit all of the various links below for your flavor of coverage.

Read - Massive release list from Nintendo
Read - Scans for the game from Famitsu
Read - Japanese site for Harvest Moon DS Cute