
First Bionic Commando images, new info

After fans got past the excitement of a new Bionic Commando being in development, it's probably then that the confusion set in. "Why is everything so different?" they must have wondered, clinging their Bionic Commando-themed pillows close to their chests. Why is my character not named Radd? Why am I not fighting Badds? Will I look even remotely like I did in the NES version?

If you're looking for reverence, you won't find it here. You're Nathan Spencer (a name so forgettable, it's actually difficult to type without a visual reference) taking on a new foe called Bio Rain that essentially just turned a city to rubble. But let's be honest, you don't care about the story, do you? You care about swinging around with a bitchin' bionic arm. And it appears that's one part of the game still blessedly intact. Also, as you can see in this video, the arm looks cool. And, in the end, isn't that really what matters?

[Update: There's a few more nuggets on the new official Bionic Commando site.]