
Retrospect updated for Leopard

It was just this past Sunday night, during our weekly talkcast aftershow (you know, the part we can't record and podcast because it's usually borderline libelous or outrageously wrongheaded), that I said "Y'know, I'm a huge Retrospect fan, and I've been using it for more than a decade, but I just don't see them moving quickly on a Leopard upgrade." Mmm... those words... eating them now, and loving every bite -- EMC Insignia has released Retrospect 6.1.138, with a bunch of bug fixes and full support for Mac OS X 10.5.

The release notes make mention of the fact that Retrospect will not back up Time Machine data (an interesting caveat), but otherwise the venerable SOHO/small enterprise backup tool should be happy and stable on Leopard. If you're running Retrospect on 10.5 or backing up Leopard clients please share your results with the rest of the class.