
GSM Treos get Google My Location functionality via MyLocation

An enterprising developer named Razix, when frustrated with the lack of support for the Palm Treo 600, 650 and 680 in Google Map's My Location -- for those not in the know, that's GPS-like magic sansGPS -- functionality decided to build his own. Piggybacking on top of the Google Maps app, MyLocation performs the same feats of mystery, intrigue, and cell tower triangulation that most other platforms are already enjoying and there's no need to wait for Palm to get it in a pile to do so. The program is free but ad driven, so if you want to do away with the location-based adds, you'll need to cough up $10 or more to end your suffering. We've not tried it but would love to see how you all get along, so if you do drop us a line, let's make a game of whose reported locale is closest to bein' true.

[Via PalmInfoCenter]